Display: 476-500 of 622 Results

Erich Honecker and Walter Ulbricht (1968)

Spiegel Cover Warning of the Rise of the NPD (1966)

Two Portraits and a Bust of Walter Ulbricht (1964)

Pontifical Requiem in Cologne Cathedral in Memory of Konrad Adenauer (April 25, 1967)

Chancellor Ludwig Erhard and Rainer Barzel (1964)

Germany’s First Grand Coalition Government (1966)

The FDP is Courted and Weighs its Options (September 30, 1969)

In Support of the Emergency Laws (May 15–16, 1968)

Love for the Socialist Fatherland (October 19, 1968)

Protest against the State of Emergency Constitution (May 28, 1968)

Bonn Demonstration against the Emergency Laws – I (May 11, 1968)

Bonn Demonstration against the Emergency Laws – II ( May 11, 1968)

Kurt Georg Kiesinger and Willy Brandt (September 1969)

NPD Election Poster (1969)

Excerpt from Walter Ulbricht’s Speech at the Rally “Appeal to the Young Revolutionaries of Today” (October 19, 1968)

Socialist Fraternal Aid and the Downfall of Ulbricht (January 21, 1971)

Walter Ulbricht: A Communist Biography (1973)

Marion Gräfin Dönhoff on the Grand Coalition (1981)

Rock ’n’ Roll and German Teenagers (Retrospective Account, 1980)

Socialist Reform Politics (October 3, 1969)

Walter Ulbricht and Leonid Brezhnev in Moscow (c. 1971)

Open Air Mass in Munich (1958)

Romy Schneider and Horst Buchholz (1957)

Transformations of Culture and Consumption

The New Youth Program of the Communist Party (September 21, 1963)