Display: 226-250 of 1,486 Results

Helmuth von Moltke, Memorandum on the Effect of Improvements in Firearms on Battlefield Tactics (1861)

Prince Kraft zu Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, Observations on the State of the Austrian Army in 1854 (Retrospective Account)

Helmuth von Moltke, Memorandum on a Possible War between Prussia and Austria (1866)

Friedrich Bülau’s Call for a Market-Oriented Solution to the Problem of Poverty in Germany during the First Half of the Nineteenth Century (1834)

Friedrich List, Excerpt from National System of Political Economy (1841)

John Prince-Smith, Excerpts from his Collected Writings (1843–63)

“Freedom of Occupation”: Excerpt from the Staats-Lexikon: “Trade and Manufacturing” (1845–48)

A Catholic View of the Economy, Excerpt from Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler’s “The Worker Question and Christianity” (1864)

Victor Böhmert’s Critique of the Traditional and Restrictive Nature of Guilds (1858)

Johann Ludwig Tellkampf, Excerpts from the Chapter “On the Steamship Connections between German and North American Ports” (1853)

Conservative Denunciation of Occupational Freedom as the Result of an Interfering State Bureaucracy (1851)

Socialist View of the Results of the Free Market Economy: Excerpt from Ferdinand Lassalle’s “Open Letter” (1863)

Johann Gottfried Tulla, The Rhine from Basel to Mannheim, with a Justification for the Necessity of Regulating this River (1822)

Ernst Dronke, Excerpts from Berlin (1846)

Pollution Caused by a Chemical Factory in the Westphalian Town of Iserlohn (1839–52)

Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl, Excerpt from Land and People (1854)

Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl, Excerpt from Civil Society (1851)

Excerpts from a Clinical Report and Autopsy by Professor Traube on a Patient with Lung Disease Caused by Coal Dust (1860)

August Becker, Excerpts from The Palatinate and the Palatines (1858)

Dietrich Brandis, Report on the Teak Forests of Pegu (1856)

Petition by the Citizens of Ulm (October 1862) and Report from Bavaria’s Central Office for Industry and Commerce (January 1863)

Excerpts from the Staats-Lexikon: “Relations between the Sexes” (1845–48)

Excerpts from the Staats-Lexikon: “Family, Family Law” (1845–48)

Women’s Activism during the Revolution: Viennese Democratic Women’s Association (1848–50)

Commercial Marriage Brokerage and Bohemian Life in the Big City: Excerpts from Ernst Dronke, Berlin (1846)