Display: 326-350 of 1,486 Results

The Communist Leadership’s Criticism of Rock ’n’ Roll Music as a Form of Western Subversion (October 13, 1965)

A Union Justifies the Introduction of the Forty-Hour Work Week (1966)

A Sociological Analysis of the Spread of Affluence (1974)

Government Advice on German Behavior Abroad (August 3, 1978)

The Currency Problems of East German Vacationers (August 30, 1980)

A Scarcity Economy (May 10, 1980)

A British Commentary on the German Passion for Travel (April 5, 1984)

A GDR Citizen’s Experience of Buying a New Wartburg (April 14, 1989)

Decline in Religious Observance among Catholics and Protestants (1960–1989)

Changes in West German Leisure Habits (1983)

Motorization in the FRG and the GDR (1960–1990)

The Labor Minister Welcomes the Millionth Guest Worker (October 30, 1964)

The Onset of Turkish Labor Migration (1961)

The Partial Success of Return Incentives for Guest Workers (December 14, 1974)

The Growing Influx of Guest-Worker Children (November 8, 1974)

Racist Attacks against the Naturalization of Foreigners (September 14, 1979)

Reasons for Immigrant Youth Criminality (November 16, 1978)

The Federal Republic Halts Foreign Labor Recruitment in the Wake of the Oil Crisis (June 13, 1974)

A Plea by Second-Generation Immigrants for Mutual Acceptance (May 13, 1982)

An Outside Analysis of Right-Wing Extremism in the FRG (November 30, 1980)

The Heidelberg Manifesto of Xenophobic Professors (March 4, 1982)

The Government Warns of a New Racial Arrogance (December 12, 1979)

Agreement between the GDR and Vietnam on the Importation of Contract Labor (April 11, 1980)

The Plight of Turkish Women in a Foreign Land (May 1, 1980)

Ethnic German Remigrants (August 22, 1988)