Display: 51-75 of 1,641 Results

Brandt’s Visit to the GDR (March 23, 1970)

The Moscow Treaty (August 12, 1970)

Quadripartite Agreement on Berlin (September 3, 1971)

Vote of No Confidence (April 1972)

The Basic Treaty (December 21, 1972)

Constitutionality of the Basic Treaty (July 31, 1973)

Petition for an Exit Visa (April 20, 1977)

Billion Mark Loans and Humanitarian Concessions (July 25, 1984)

Joint Communiqué by Erich Honecker and Helmut Kohl (September 8, 1987)

Principles of the “Social Market Economy” (December 19, 1962)

The Politburo Gets Briefed (September 15, 1987)

Dialogue between the SPD and the SED (September 11, 1988)

A Difficult Balancing Act: Honecker’s Visit to West Germany (September 11, 1987)

Ransom for Political Prisoners (Retrospective Account, 2009)

East-West German Immigration Statistics (1962–1990)

An East German Manager Explains the Advantages of a Kombinat (June 24, 1972)

Walter Ulbricht on the “New Economic System” of the GDR (December 16, 1965)

The GDR’s Failure to “Overtake without Catching Up” (July 30, 1970)

Economics Minister Karl Schiller on “Concerted Action” (January 9, 1967)

The West German Law to Promote Economic Stability and Growth (June 8, 1967)

The Federal Government’s Counter-Cyclical Spending Program (December 20, 1974)

The West German “Ban on Driving Motor Vehicles” (November 20, 1973)

A West German Journalist Ponders the Implications of the Oil Shock (November 15, 1973)

Shortages Complicate Christmas Shopping in East Germany (December 21, 1980)

West German Steel Crisis (1983)