Display: 951-975 of 1,486 Results

Co-Determination Law [Mitbestimmungsgesetz] (May 21, 1951)

The Hattenheim Talks (January 1950)

The Right of Co-determination and the Right to Strike: Letter from Konrad Adenauer to Hans Böckler, Chairman of the Confederation of German Trade Unions, and Böckler’s Response (1950)

Walter Pahl, Summary of Key Aspects of the Law Governing Co-determination in the Coal and Steel Industry (1951)

The Petersberg Agreement (November 22, 1949)

The “Action Program” of the Socialist Reich Party (SRP) (1949)

Federal Constitutional Court Verdict Banning the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) and the Concluding Justification (August 17, 1956)

Federal Minister Erhard on Market Economy and Planned Economy (June 26, 1950)

Petition Submitted by the Federal Government to the Federal Constitutional Court Requesting a Ban on the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) (November 22, 1951)

“That Was When I Knew: I Had to Become a Refugee” (March 19, 1953)

The Five-Year Plan for 1951–1955 (1950)

Communiqué on the Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the German Democratic Republic (June 11, 1953)

From the Resolution of the 13th Meeting of the Central Committee of the SED (May 14, 1953)

From a Tribüne Article on Work Quota Increases (June 16, 1953)

From a Statement by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED (June 16, 1953)

From a Communiqué by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED (June 9, 1953)

Secret Report of the Soviet Military Leadership on the Events of June 17-19, 1953 (June 24, 1953)

Marion Gräfin Dönhoff, “Stones against Red Tanks” (June 25, 1953)

From a Resolution Passed by the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party: The “New Course” and the Party’s Objectives (July 26, 1953)

“The Failed Adventures of Foreign Agents in Berlin” (June 18, 1953)

“The Crimes of West Berlin Provocateurs” (June 18, 1953)

Statement by the Government of the GDR (June 17, 1953)

Letter from Eisenhower to Adenauer on the Outcome of the Washington Conference (July 25, 1953)

Soviet-German Communiqué (August 23, 1953)

Protocol on the Accession of the Federal Republic of Germany to the North Atlantic Treaty (Paris, October 23, 1954)