Display: 976-1000 of 1,486 Results

Statement by the Foreign Ministers of the Western Powers on the Berlin Conference (February 20, 1954)

Protocol Modifying and Completing the Brussels Treaty (Paris, October 23, 1954)

The Warsaw Pact (May 14, 1955)

The Establishment of the National People’s Army (January 18, 1956)

The Politburo of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany: Report by the Commission on Questions Concerning Republikflucht (June 25, 1956)

Republikflucht by Young People, Young Returnees, and New Arrivals in the Period from January to September 1960 (November 10, 1960)

The Causes of Emigration: Report from a Central Committee Brigade on Security Issues (May 24, 1961)

The Politburo of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany: Further Measures in the Fight against Republikflucht (December 15, 1953)

Finding Substitutes for West German Imports: Report from a Central Committee Brigade (March 16, 1961)

The Tägliche Rundschau on the Equalization of Burdens (February 15, 1947)

Annual Report of the Work of the Office for Resettlers within the Provincial Administration of Brandenburg (End of 1946)

Refugees from the Soviet Occupation Zone/GDR in the Federal States of West Germany (1950 and 1961)

From the Report of a Housing Allocator in Bielefeld: Problems in the Resettlement of Refugees from Camps to Confiscated Housing (1946)

Occupational Breakdown of Refugee Movement in Percentages (1952–1961)

The Age Distribution of Refugees from the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR (1949–1962)

August Mayer, President of the Tracing Service for Missing Germans: People’s Solidarity and the Tracing Service (1947)

Comments on the Resettler Problem: The Organization Department of the Central Secretariat of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (February 24, 1949)

A Sudeten German Refugee Writes to the Resettlers Department of the State Government of Saxony (January 8, 1949)

“Equalization of Burdens Means Equalization of Wealth” (1948)

Marion Gräfin Dönhoff: “Homeland in the East” (1950)

Expellees in the Federal States of West Germany (1950 and 1961)

Request for Permission to Move In (1948)

Explanations from the Ministry of the Interior of the GDR on the Situation of the Former Resettlers (October 20, 1953)

Renate Mayntz on What Motivates Women to Pursue a Career (1955)

The Role of Women from a Protestant and Catholic Perspective in the 1950s (1954/1958)