Display: 1101-1125 of 1,486 Results

Reich Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich (July 20, 1933)

Horst Wessel School Minutes (1933–1945)

Excerpt from the Minutes of a Conference of Reich Ministers (July 14, 1933)

Births and Marriages (1900, 1905, 1910 and 1913-1941)

The Confessing Church: Excerpt from the Declaration of the Second Confessing Synod in Berlin-Dahlem (October 20, 1934)

Flyer Issued by the Confessing Church against National Socialist Church Policy (c. 1934)

“With Deep Anxiety”: Papal Encyclical on the Situation of the Catholic Church in the German Reich (March 14, 1937)

“Christ, the Mortal Enemy of Judaism!” (1937)

Attempts to Force Jehovah’s Witnesses to Renounce Their Faith (c. 1938)

Decree Concerning Individuals Who Formally Leave their Church (February 18, 1937)

SS Report on a Catholic Sermon (December 30, 1936)

Excerpt from Bishop von Galen’s Sermon; Government Correspondence about Galen’s Sermon and the Charges against Him (August 1941)

Martin Bormann’s Confidential Memo: National Socialism and Christianity are Irreconcilable (June 6, 1941)

Letter from Bishop of Limburg to the Reich Minister of Justice (August 13, 1941)

What Do We German Christians Want? (c. 1938)

Correspondence between Wilhelm Furtwängler and Joseph Goebbels about Art and the State (April 1933)

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Excerpts about Culture (1925–26)

Heinrich Himmler on Christianity and Religion (June 9, 1942)

Protestant Church Leaders Respond to the July 20, 1944, Assassination Attempt (July 30, 1944)

Hitler and Urban Planning in Berlin: Minutes of the Meeting in the Reich Chancellery (March 29, 1934)

The Book Burning: Report by Louis P. Lochner, Head of the Berlin Bureau of the Associated Press (May 10, 1933)

Nazi Film Review: “The Audience is by No Means as Foolish” (August 26, 1934)

Street and Square Name Changes in German Cities after 1933

Hitler’s Speech at the Opening of the House of German Art in Munich (July 18, 1937)

Guide to the “Degenerate Art” Exhibition (1937)