Display: 1-25 of 39 Results

Theodor Adorno and Heinrich Böll (1964)

Heinrich Böll at the Peace Demonstration in Bonn (October 10, 1981)

Heiner Müller (1994)

Heinrich Böll at His Desk (c. 1960)

Portrait of Louise Otto (1892)

Clemens Brentano (1st Half of the Nineteenth Century)

Friedrich Schlegel (1816)

Bettina von Arnim (c. 1809)

E. T. A. Hoffmann, The Strange Child (1816)

Social Gathering at the Home of Rahel Varnhagen von Ense (undated)

Johann Peter Eckermann (c. 1825)

Berthold Auerbach (1865)

Quartet Evening at Bettina von Arnim’s in Berlin (1856)

PEN Meeting (1964)

VII. GDR Writers’ Congress (1973)

Hedwig Dohm on Women’s Right to Vote (1876)

Novelist Theodor Fontane (1890)

Writer and Feminist Dr. Agnes von Zahn-Harnack (c. 1948)

Minister of Culture Johannes R. Becher (left) Greets Thomas Mann (right) at the Weimar National Theater (May 14, 1955)

Erwin Strittmatter Talks to Readers at the Writers’ Bazaar on Berlin’s Stalinallee (May 1, 1954)

Writer and Playwright Wolfgang Borchert (1946)

Günter Grass (1988)

Thomas Mann in the Studio of an American Radio Station (c. 1940)

Germaine de Stäel (1813)

Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart (1789)