Display: 1126-1150 of 1,786 Results

German Industrialists Salute the Flag at a Rally for the German Economy in Berlin (November 7, 1933)

Ban on Free Trade Unions: SA Members Seize the Trade Union Building on Engelufer in Berlin (May 2, 1933)

Appeal of the German Labor Front after the Dissolution of the Free Trade Unions: Then as Now, We Remain Comrades (May 2, 1933)

Unemployed Men Standing in Front of the Berlin Employment Office (June 22, 1933)

Leading Industrialist Carl Friedrich von Siemens and Banker Franz von Mendelssohn (November 7, 1933)

SA Members Hang Boycott Posters on a Jewish Shop in Munich (April 1, 1933)

SA Members in Front of the Tietz Department Store in Berlin (April 1, 1933)

Himmler Announces the Closure of a Jewish Shop in Munich—the Proprietor had been taken to Dachau (May/June 1933)

Hitler Visits a Thyssen Factory in the Ruhr Region (1935)

Hitler with Reichsbank President Hjalmar Schacht (May 5, 1934)

German Labor Front Poster: “Beauty of Labor” (1934)

Unemployed Man in Hamburg: I’m Looking for Work! (1934)

Sales Clerks at the Brunningen Grocery Store in Munich (1934)

Job Creation Lottery on Jungfernstieg in Hamburg (May 24, 1934)

The Fight against Unemployment: Display by the Reich Ministry of Labor (1934)

Anti-Fascist Imagery: “Hurrah, We’re out of Butter!” (December 19, 1935)

The I. G. Farben Company Presents its Synthetic Rubber (“Buna”) (1936)

Receipt for a Sign Announcing “Aryan” Store Ownership (December 29, 1937)

Catalog Advertisement: “Kaufhof is an Aryan Business!” (1935)

Enjoying a Camera (1935)

Robert Ley, Head of the German Labor Front (1936)

Picnic (c. 1935)

Address Book for Doctors and Clinics with Notations for “Jews” (1937)

Göring and Hitler on the Obersalzberg (October 1, 1936)

The Morning after the Night of Broken Glass [Kristallnacht] in Berlin (November 10, 1938)