Display: 526-550 of 1,486 Results

A Manifesto for Environmental Protection: Ernst Rudorff, “On the Relationship of Modern Life to Nature” (1880)

Bismarck’s Diplomatic and Military Gamble through British Eyes (February–August 1866)

The Public Mood in Bavaria and Other Federal States through British Eyes (December 3, 1866)

“Bismarck is now the Most Popular Man in Prussia”: Wilhelm von Kügelgen after the Battle of Königgrätz (July 5, 1866)

Bismarck Remembers the Evening the Ems Dispatch was Edited (July 13, 1870)

Original and Edited Versions of the Ems Dispatch (July 13, 1870)

Final Discussions before the Proclamation of the German Empire (January 17–18, 1871)

Receipt of Monies from France and Expenditures in Germany from the French War Indemnity (1870s)

Constitution of the German Empire (April 16, 1871)

Bismarck’s Speech in the North German Reichstag in Defense of his Draft Constitution (March 11, 1867)

Electoral Law for the Reichstag of the North German Confederation (May 31, 1869)

Law on Freedom of Movement [Freizügigkeit] (November 1, 1867)

King Ludwig II of Bavaria – Growing Concerns about his Mental State (1883–86)

August Bebel, Reichstag Speech (November 8, 1871)

Henrik Ibsen’s “Balloon Letter to a Swedish Lady” Expresses Fear of German Militarism (December 1870)

Julius Jolly, Former Prime Minister of Baden, on the Rights and Influence of Parliament in the System of Constitutional Monarchy (1880)

Heinrich von Sybel to Hermann Baumgarten on the Founding of the Reich (January 27, 1871)

Georg von Bunsen, “The Liberal Party in Germany” (November 1882)

Left-Liberal Hopes and Doubts (1881/84)

Max von Forckenbeck to Franz von Stauffenberg on the Need for National Liberal Opposition (January 19, 1879)

The Wife of the British Ambassador in Berlin Writes to Queen Victoria about Bismarck’s Political Omnipotence (December 27, 1880)

Liberal Secessionists’ Declaration (August 30, 1880)

Royal Decree: Civil Servants Must Support their King at Election Time (January 4, 1882)

Theodor Fontane, “Bismarck Is a Despot” (March 12, 1881)

Memories of Sedan Day Festivities in the 1870s (Retrospective Account, 1930)