Display: 726-750 of 1,486 Results

Three Telegrams from U.S. High Commissioner John McCloy to Secretary of State Dean Acheson regarding the “Stalin Note” (1952)

Nehru and Jinnah (August 21, 1947)

A Free India (August 14, 1947)

Soviet Draft of a German Peace Treaty – First “Stalin Note” (March 10, 1952)

Article on the Partition of India (October 4, 1947)

Manifesto of the Paulskirche Meeting in Frankfurt (January 29, 1955)

Western Powers’ Reply (March 25, 1952)

The African Giant Stretches Its Limbs (September 18, 1960)

Political Persecution of the Former Concentration Camp Inmate and Communist Ernst Busse (1950s)

Politburo Decision on the Work of the Ministry for State Security (March 18, 1952)

Africans Want a Say (June 18, 1960)

The Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED on the Junge Gemeinde [Young Congregation] (January 27, 1953)

Directive on Republikflucht (March 18, 1953)

Monitoring Telephone Traffic with the Federal Republic (November 14, 1952)

German Bishops at Fulda – Pastoral Letter by the Conference of Catholic Bishops (August 23, 1945)

The Central Office of the Protestant Train Station Mission: Progress Report (1945/46)

Report by the American Secret Service about the Attitudes of the German Population in the American Occupation Zone (August 12, 1945)

Isaac Deutscher, “East of the Elbe” (October 27, 1945)

Statement by the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany to the Representatives of the Ecumenical Council of Churches (October 19, 1945)

The Health Office of the City of Düsseldorf on General Health Conditions (1946)

The Economic State of Families, Examples from Berlin (1946/47)

Film Review: Murderers Among Us (October 16, 1946)

“What You Won’t Read in Baedeker. A Short Travel Guide through the Eastern Zone” (1947)

The Situation of Young People in Aachen (1947)

From the City of Aachen’s Social Report on Family Housing (1947)