Display: 1026-1050 of 1,486 Results

Georg von Schnitzler on Hitler’s Appeal to Leading German Industrialists on February 20, 1933 (November 10, 1945)

Jewish Reactions to “The New Situation” (February 2, 1933)

Cabinet Discussion on Budget Priorities (February 8, 1933)

Rudolf Diels, Head of the Prussian Political Police, on the Reichstag Fire of February 27, 1933 (Retrospective Account, 1949)

Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of the People and State (“Reichstag Fire Decree”) (February 28, 1933)

Cabinet Discussion of the Reichstag Fire and Necessary Changes in the Law (March 7, 1933)

Erich Kempka’s Eyewitness Description of “Operation Hummingbird” on June 30, 1934 (Retrospective Account, 1954)

Social Democratic Delegate Otto Wels Speaks out against the “Enabling Act” (March 23, 1933)

Circular by Robert Ley on the Action to “Coordinate” the Free Trade Unions (April 21, 1933)

The Enabling Act (March 24, 1933)

Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service (April 7, 1933)

Protocol of Hitler’s Speech to Gauleiters on the Role of the NSDAP (February 2, 1934)

Carl Schmitt, “The Legal Basis of the Total State” (1933)

Law to Safeguard the Unity of Party and State (December 1, 1933)

Martin Bormann’s Directive 55/43 (September 29, 1943)

German Communist Party (KPD) Chairman Ernst Thälmann on his Interrogation by the Gestapo (Retrospective Account, c. 1944)

Benedikt Kautsky’s Description of the Concentration Camp Hierarchy (Retrospective Account, 1961)

Reflections on Daily Life in a Police State (1939)

Law Amending Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure (April 24, 1934)

Reinhard Heydrich, “The Enemy in Disguise” (May 22, 1935)

Himmler Speech at the Academy of German Law (October 11, 1936)

Decree from the Chief of the Security Police to the Heads of all State Police Offices (September 3, 1939)

Decree on “Extraordinary Radio Measures” (September 1939)

The Führer’s Decree on the Institution of a Chief of the German Police and Heinrich Himmler’s Appointment to the Post (June 17, 1936)

Himmler’s Secret Speech to High Officials of the Reich Security Main Office (January 30, 1943)