Display: 1151-1175 of 1,486 Results

Excerpt from Himmler’s Speech to the SS-Gruppenführer at Posen (October 4, 1943)

The Experience of Torture: Excerpts from Jean Améry, At the Mind’s Limits (Retrospective Account, 1966)

Decoded Radio Messages between Ernst Kaltenbrunner (Berlin) and Herbert Kappler (Rome) (October 11, 1943)

Excerpts from the Diary of Captain Wilm Hosenfeld (1942)

Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “Who Can Resist Temptation?” (December 1942)

Raoul Wallenberg’s Rescue of Vera Koppel (1944)

Herbert von Dirksen on Germany’s relations with Japan (Retrospective account, 1952)

Heinrich Himmler, Decree on Youth Gangs (October 25, 1944)

German Ambassador Dirksen’s “Conversation with People’s Commissar Litvinov” (May 16, 1933)

Hitler’s Final Reflections on Race and International Relations (1945)

Report on Nazi Art Theft in Occupied Europe (1940–1944)

Christian Bock, “What are People Reading?” A Questionnaire in Berlin Book Stores (1940)

Thomas Mann, “German Listeners!” (July 1942)

Adolf Hitler, “Propaganda and Organization” (1925)

Jürgen Petersen, “Albert Speer – a German Master Builder” (1942)

Animal Protection Law (November 24, 1933)

Transcript of Surreptitiously Taped Conversations among German Nuclear Physicists at Farm Hall (August 6-7, 1945)

Alwin Seifert on Roadways and Landscape (1941)

Letter from Albert Einstein to U.S. President Roosevelt on the Prospect of an Atomic Bomb (August 2, 1939)

“Miracle Weapons”: Air Scientific Intelligence Interim Report on German Long-range Rockets (June 26, 1943)

Hitler’s Speech to the Commanders in Chief (August 22, 1939)

The German-Soviet Non-Aggression Treaty (August 23, 1939)

Appeal by the Reich Leader of the German Labor Front, published in the Völkischer Beobachter (November 20, 1939)

SOPADE Report: No War Enthusiasm (September-October 1939).

Erwin Rommel on his Defeat in Africa (1942)