Display: 1-25 of 28 Results

Hanns Martin Schleyer and Walter Arendt (1971)

Prefabricated Concrete Buildings (1974)

Conclusion of the XI. SED Party Congress in the Palace of the Republic in East Berlin (April 21, 1986)

“Model Germany” (1976)

Ludwig Erhard with Cigar, Official Portrait (1963)

Chancellor Ludwig Erhard and Rainer Barzel (1964)

Signing of the Rome Treaties on the Founding of the European Economic Community (EEC) and Euratom (European Atomic Energy Commission) (March 25, 1957)

Consumer Goods Supply: Young Couple Tests New Vacuum Cleaner (1956)

Ludwig Erhard with his book Prosperity for All (January 28, 1957)

Currency Reform (June 20, 1948)

”Nationally-Owned Enterprises – The Backbone of the Economic Plan”: Representatives of Nationally-Owned Enterprises Meet in Leipzig to Prepare for the Two-Year Plan for 1949/50 (July 4, 1948)

Propaganda Poster: “Farms for ‘New Farmers’ from Materials from Demolished Barracks and Manor Houses” (May 1948)

“Activist” Adolf Hennecke (1948)

The Economic Council (1949)

Grocery Display in a Factory-to-Consumer Store in East Berlin (October 4, 1953)

The “New Course” Fills Shelves (July 25, 1953)

Hitler with Reichsbank President Hjalmar Schacht (May 5, 1934)

Sales Clerks at the Brunningen Grocery Store in Munich (1934)

Job Creation Lottery on Jungfernstieg in Hamburg (May 24, 1934)

Göring and Hitler on the Obersalzberg (October 1, 1936)

A Company Party at Rhine Metal-Borsig Company, with Swastika Decorations (1937)

Christmas Celebration at Mercedes-Benz, with German Labor Front Bulletin Board (1938)

Propaganda Poster for the Four-Year Plan (1938)

Bayer Advertisement: German Products for the World (1937)

“Joint Venture Upswing East”: Job-Creation Measure to Eliminate Environmental Damage (April 2, 1992)