Display: 1826-1850 of 2,033 Results

Coronation Banquet for Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor, in Frankfurt am Main on October 4, 1745 (c. 1750)

William III of Orange (1701)

Layout of the Residence and Capital City of Würzburg in the Year 1723 (1723-24)

Construction of the Würzburg Residence of Prince-Bishop Karl von Schönborn (1731)

View of Nymphenburg Palace from the Park Side (c. 1761)

Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor (c. 1804)

Viola da Gamba Concert at the Court of Duke August the Younger of Braunschweig (c. 1650)

The Founding of the Confederation of the Rhine [Rheinbund] on July 12, 1806 (1806)

Karl Friedrich, Grand Duke of Baden (Early 19th Century)

Perspectival View of Karlsruhe and the Residence (1739)

Wenzel Anton Kaunitz-Rietberg, Austrian Chancellor (1755)

Prince Eugene of Savoy, Austrian Military Commander and Patron of the Arts (c. 1710)

Maria Theresa with her Husband Francis I and Crown Prince Joseph (Joseph II) (1747)

The Imperial Palace at Schönbrunn, Garden Side (1759-60)

Schloss Hof, View from the Gardens (1759-60)

Leopold Joseph von Daun (18th century)

Maximilian I, King of Bavaria (c. 1810)

Maria Theresa and Her Family on the Terrace of Schönbrunn Palace (c. 1755)

Nikolaus Joseph von Esterházy (18th century)

August II (“the Strong”) of Poland with Frederick William I (“the Soldier King”) in 1728 (c. 1730)

Prussia Is Proclaimed a Kingdom on January 18, 1701 (1712)

Princess Louise Henriette of Orange as the Goddess Diana (1643)

Sophie Charlotte, Queen of Prussia (1705)

Frederick William I, Prussia’s “Soldier King” (1729)

Smoking Party at the Court of Frederick I in the Palace in Berlin (c. 1710)