Display: 1-25 of 35 Results

Warning against Fraternization (1945)

Rebuilding Public Life in the British Occupation Zone (1946)

Report on the Nuremberg Trials (March 15, 1946)

Report on the First Belsen Trial (November 1945)

Denazification in the American Occupation Zone (1948)

Denazification in the British Occupation Zone (1946)

The Verdicts in the Krakow Auschwitz Trial (1948)

Rebuilding the Economy in the American and British Occupation Zones (1948)

U.S. Report on the Agreement to Unite the British and American Occupation Zones (1948)

Report on the Berlin Airlift (July 30, 1948)

Black Market in the American Occupation Zone (1948)

May Day Rally in Berlin’s Lustgarten (May 1, 1946)

Refugees in Transit in Ulm (September 1945)

Rebuilding the German Education System (1946)

“Der Wirtschafts-Wunder-Baum”: CDU Election Campaign Ad (1957)

A DP Camp in Wetzlar (June 1945)

A Look Back at the Berlin Blockade and Airlift (1961)

“No Experiments!” CDU Election Campaign Ad (1957)

Banning of the West German Communist Party (August 19, 1956)

National Commemoration of “Day of Liberation” (May 8, 1955)

“Demnächst nicht in diesem Theater”: CDU Election Campaign Ad (1961)

Interview with East Berliners about the Currency Reform in the GDR (October 20, 1957)

Interviews with Citizens of the Federal Republic on the Soviet Peace Initiative (January 16, 1960)

Plan Implementation at VEB Schlepperwerk Nordhausen (March 5, 1960)

A farmer from West Germany Works at an Agricultural Production Cooperative (March 30, 1960)