Display: 576-600 of 622 Results

Xenophobic Sentiment in the GDR (March 7, 1989)

Turkish Shops in the Kreuzberg District of West Berlin (1983)

The Verdict is Announced in the Eichmann Trial (1961)

Adolf Eichmann behind Bulletproof Glass during his Trial in Jerusalem (1961)

Official Opening of the Memorial at the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp (April 22, 1961)

Theodor W. Adorno, “The Meaning of Working through the Past” (1963)

Review of Günter Grass’s Novel Dog Years (1963)

A Psychological Critique of the Refusal to Accept the Loss of the World War II (1967)

A Conservative Journalist Criticizes the Disappearance of the Term “Germany” (1972)

Poster Protesting the Invasion of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic by Warsaw Pact Troops (August 21, 1968)

Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games in Munich’s Olympic Stadium (August 26, 1972)

Günter Grass (1988)

Theodor W. Adorno during a Lecture (1963)

Memorial Site at the Dachau Concentration Camp (1968)

A Traditionalist Pleads for a More Positive Memory of Prussia (October 21, 1978)

Dolf Sternberger Describes the Term “Constitutional Patriotism” (1979)

The Definition of East German Identity in the Final GDR Constitution (October 7, 1974)

Demonstration against the National Democratic Party March in Frankfurt (June 17, 1978)

Section of the Berlin Wall, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin (1973)

Der Spiegel on the TV Miniseries “Holocaust” (January 28, 1979)

Helmut Schmidt in his Office in the New Federal Chancellery (July 7, 1976)

Willy Brandt in Jerusalem (June 1973)

Helmut Schmidt giving an Address at the Cologne Synagogue (November 9, 1978)

Hermann Lübbe on Neoconservatism (1983)

A Liberal Intellectual Reflects on the Burden of “Being German” (1983)