
In den 1950er Jahren entstehen nicht nur staatlich geförderter „moderner“ Wohnraum und neue Bauweisen. Es wandeln sich auch die privaten Geschmäcker bei der Einrichtung von Wohnungen. Der Ratgeber für Haus und Familie erklärt 1958/59, wie man eine „alte Kammer“ in ein modernes Zimmer umwandeln kann.

„Auf Schatzsuche in der Rumpelkammer“ (1958/59)


The old chamber . . . was turned into a modern room


Here, for example, is an old, two-door wardrobe with bun feet, a curved bonnet, and decorative molding. Anyone who is handy with a hammer and saw can easily modernize it himself; those who are less handy should leave it to the carpenter. The feet should be removed; the same goes for the bonnet, which is only fasted with dowels. The decorative molding also has to go, and in most cases one can simply saw off the protruding window sill. Then, once the old paint or varnish has been stripped off, you should paint everything except the wardrobe doors with black lacquer paint. Then glue colorful, patterned, washable wallpaper or something synthetic on the wardrobe doors, and attach sleek new fixtures.


And the day bed? It was made from the box spring of a normal bed to which legs were attached. We put three mattress segments on top of it, two in gray and one in red, to match the chair cushions. We gave the foam bolster at the head a gray-and-red cover. If the housewife puts a zipper on one side of the mattress covers, then they can be easily removed and washed.


Ratgeber für Haus und Familie 1958/59; abgedruckt in Angela Delille und Andrea Grohn, Hrsg., Perlonzeit. Wie die Frauen ihr Wirtschaftswunder erlebten. Berlin: Elefanten Press, 1985, S. 25.