Display: 1-25 of 28 Results

Christian Hornberger, Mission House in Keta (c. 1863–64)

Christian Hornberger, Women Spinning Yarn with a Spindle (1865–68)

“Cultural Progress in the Congo” (1884)

“Ten Little Negroes” (1885)

Station Chief and Guinean Workers, German New Guinea (1887)

Hoisting the German Flag at Mioko, German New Guinea (1884)

“The Greedy Boy” (January 10, 1885)

Colonies in South Africa (1890s)

“Hotel zur Stadt” in Dar es Salaam, German East Africa (c. 1905)

“Pictures from our Colonies” (1897)

Caricature of the “Colonial Peters Exhibition” (1896)

Carl Peters (c. 1900)

Poster Advertising the Berlin Trade and Industrial Exhibition (1896)

Route Taken through Europe by Abraham Ulrikab and His Family in 1880–81

Graphic Pictures of Native Life in Distant Lands (1888)

Tobias, One of the Inuit in a Völkerschau in Hamburg (1880)

Johan Adrian Jacobsen (19th century)

Poster Advertising “Carl Hagenbeck’s 1885 Ceylon Expedition” (1885)

“The South Seas are the Mediterranean of the Future” (July 13, 1884)

Two Inuit Families from Labrador in a Völkerschau (1880)

West African Members of the Police Force in the German Colony of Cameroon (1890s)

A Cook’s Apprentice from Cameroon (1888)

Hoisting the German Flag in Cameroon (1884)

“The Nubians in Berlin’s Zoological Garden” (1878)

Poster Advertising a Völkerschau Featuring “Australian Cannibals” (1885)