Display: 801-825 of 1,786 Results

Kurt Schumacher Opens the SPD’s Federal Election Campaign in Gelsenkirchen by Rejecting Ludwig Erhard’s Free Market Economics (June 19, 1949)

KPD Banner on Ruined Theater Buildings in Hamburg (November 1946)

Federal Chancellor Adenauer on a State Visit to Moscow (September 11, 1955)

Entrance of the All-German Team during the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympic Games in Melbourne (November 22, 1956)

Signing of the Rome Treaties on the Founding of the European Economic Community (EEC) and Euratom (European Atomic Energy Commission) (March 25, 1957)

Nikita Khrushchev on a State Visit to the GDR (August 1957)

The Casablanca Conference (January 14-26, 1943)

The Population of Burgsteinfurt is Escorted to a Film about the Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald Concentration Camps (May 30, 1945)

“A Border-free Open Road for the Marshall Plan” (c. 1948)

Signing of the Basic Law [Grundgesetz] in the Pedagogical Academy in Bonn (May 23, 1949)

Rally in Halle/Saale during the Elections to the Third German People’s Congress (May 15-16, 1949)

Autobahn Exit at Bonn with Directions to the Parliamentary Council (1948)

Propaganda for the German People’s Council at the Neue Wache in Berlin (1949)

Inauguration of Konrad Adenauer as the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (September 15, 1949)

Crowd at a Polling Station in Gransee/Brandenburg on the Day of the Regional and Parliamentary Elections (October 17, 1954)

SED’s Third Party Congress at Werner Seelenbinder Hall in East Berlin (July 20-24, 1950)

Propaganda Photo: Land Reform in the Soviet Occupation Zone (September 1945)

Inner-German Border near Heldra (Hesse) (1952)

A Family Flees from East to West over the Border in the Bavarian Forest (1948-49)

Family Members Are Greeted after a Successful Escape to the West (c. 1952)

A Family Returns from the Federal Republic to the GDR (1950s)

Refugees are Transported to West Germany from Berlin’s Tempelhof Airport (1953)

After the “Storming of Berlin”: Bombed-out People on the Street (May 1, 1945)

Food being Served to Children at a Hamburg School (1946)

Permission to Ride a Bicycle (July 24, 1945)