Display: 1301-1325 of 1,786 Results

Christoph Probst and Alexander Schmorell of the Student Resistance Group “White Rose” (1941)

Georg Elsner (1939)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1939)

Soccer in Theresienstadt (c. 1943/44)

Travel Poster “A Pleasant Trip to Germany” (c. 1936)

International Film Congress in Berlin (1935)

Pastor André Trocmé and His Wife Magda Trocmé (n.d.)

Thomas Mann in the Studio of an American Radio Station (c. 1940)

Artworks Stored in a Potash Mine in Merkers (April 15, 1945)

“Jews Out!” Board Game (1938)

Every Member of the Nation—a Radio Listener! (before 1936)

“Radio Broadcast” Board Game (1942)

Department Store Christmas Catalog Advertisement (1935)

Radio Everywhere! (Advertisement, 1935)

The Lounge at the German Press Club, Berlin, with a Portrait of Hitler on the Wall (1935)

Führer Pennant in the Berlin Olympic Stadium during the Olympic Games (1936)

Passersby in Front of a Berlin Radio Store Listen to the Official Radio Broadcast of a Speech by Hitler (1936)

Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler Heights, the Obersalzberg, Postcard (March 21, 1933)

Nobel Prize Winners Walther Nernst, Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Robert Millikan, and Max von Laue in Berlin (November 1, 1931)

“Albert Einstein: Authorial Fame Seems to be Relative!” Caricature of Einstein’s Political Activity, Kladderadatsch, No. 39 (September 1933)

Lise Meitner and Otto Hahn at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry in Berlin (1928)

“A Poor Fool”: Caricature of Einstein in Response to his Application for Emigration, Deutsche Tageszeitung (April 1, 1933)

High-Altitude Experiment on Prisoners (1942)

Volkswagen Plant (1939)

Drugs for the Wehrmacht (c. 1940)