Display: 1926-1950 of 2,033 Results

Reaping, Hauling, and Threshing Grain (c. 1740)

The Banker (c. 1730)

The Miner (1698)

A Tenant Receives a Lease Contract (1750)

Edict Protecting Prussian Wool Manufacturers: No Silk Skirts or Camisoles (November 6, 1731)

Edict: A Pound of Wool per Week (June 14, 1723)

The Care and Storage of Agricultural Tools (1750)

A Female Beggar (18th century)

Horse- and Ox-Drawn Plows (1750)

The Prussian “October Edict” of 1807 (1807)

An Unequal Couple (late 17th century)

Masons and Bricklayers (c. 1750)

Manufacturing Silk (1750)

Peddling Copperplate Engravings (1766)

The Coffee Tax (1784)

The Coffee “Sniffers,” c. 1780 (1892)

The Tailor (1788)

Educating Daughters (1750)

Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki, Cabinet d'un Peintre [A Painter's Cabinet] (1771)

An Industrious Mother and her Daughters Spin Wool (1769-74)

Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel, “On Marriage” (1792)

True Happiness (1784)

The Sanctity of Marriage (1750)

The Punishment of Prostitutes in Vienna (1782)

The Ball (c. 1635)