Display: 1-16 of 16 Results

The District Court of Meiningen: Decision about the Termination of a Pregnancy Following a Rape (January 9, 1946)

Rebuilding Public Life in the British Occupation Zone (1946)

Report on the First Belsen Trial (November 1945)

The Present Status of Denazification (December 31, 1950)

The Editor-in-Chief of Die Zeit on the Nuremberg Trials (January 22, 1948) and the American Response (February 12, 1948)

Denazification in the American Occupation Zone (1948)

The Verdicts in the Krakow Auschwitz Trial (1948)

Clips from the Show Trial against Ernst Jennrich (August 25, 1953)

A Legislative Milestone: Mothers and Fathers Now Have Equal Rights (1959)

The Escape and Capture of Adolf Eichmann (1960)

Reich Minister of Justice Franz Gürtner Opens the First Session of the People’s Court (July 14, 1934)

Count Helmuth James von Moltke before the People’s Court in Berlin (January 10, 1945)

People’s Court President Roland Freisler Presides over the Trial of the Participants in the July 20th Plot (August 8, 1944)

Expropriated Landowners Take their Claim to the European Court of Human Rights (June 30, 2005)

Emperor Joseph II’s Penal Patent [Strafpatent] governing Manorial Courts in the Countryside (September 1, 1781)

Village Violence, Imperial Justice—Wolfisheim (Alsace) (1524/25)