Display: 1-25 of 83 Results

Caricature: Female University Student (1847)

The Plight of Turkish Women in a Foreign Land (May 1, 1980)

Ida Pfeiffer, A Lady’s Second Journey Round the World (1855)

Ida Pfeiffer, A Woman’s Journey Round the World (1850)

Adolf Dauthage, Ida Pfeiffer in Travel Costume (1856)

Wilhelm Leibl, Three Women in Church (1882)

Women during the May Day Rally in Berlin (May 1, 1946)

Control Council Law No. 32 on the Employment of Women in Building and Reconstruction Work (July 10, 1946)

Speech by GDR Minister President Otto Grotewohl: “For the Happiness of Our Mothers and Children” (September 27, 1950)

Marie-Elisabeth Lüders (1932)

Taking a Break during Clearing Operations in Berlin (1945-46)

Female Workers at the East German State Railway Improvement Works in Wittenberge (1955)

Members of a “Socialist Work Collective” Eat Lunch in the Barracks of a Potsdam Construction Site (1959)

Putting Every Brick to Use: “Rubble Woman” Removing Mortar Remnants (1946)

The Art of Maintaining a Household: All Purchases are Carefully Recorded (1950)

Enterprising Women: Cooking under the Open Sky (1945)

Magdalene Gutenberg, Speech at a Gynecologists’ Conference on the Termination of a Pregnancy after a Crime of Violence (October 5–6, 1946)

Press Review: “Where to Put the Baby?” Critical Voices on the Subject of Daycare Centers (1953)

“The World of the Woman” Exhibition in East Berlin (September 1956)

Poster Warning of Venereal Diseases (1950)

Walther von Hollander, Women’s Issues – Women’s Worries (1946)

“The Strict Husband”: Letters from Readers of Neues Deutschland (November 14, 1959)

Delivery at the Rural Ambulatory Clinic in Bad Bibra (September 1960)

Vials of Orasthin (1961)

German Women and American Soldiers on a Rollercoaster (1945)