Display: 1-25 of 35 Results

Stefan Heymann, "Cosmopolitanism and Formalism" (December 1, 1949)

Bertolt Brecht’s “Herr Puntila and his Man Matti” by the Berliner Ensemble (1949)

From the 69th Program of the “Cultural League for the Democratic Renewal of Germany” (June 1945)

The People's House of Culture [Volks-Kulturhaus] in Letschin (July 1, 1953)

Shakespeare in the Park in Berlin-Schöneberg (August 1, 1945)

Review of the Film Schwarzwaldmädel (September 13, 1950)

Cultural Diversions in Postwar Berlin (Summer 1945)

“Dangerous Kitsch”: East German Criticism of Heimatfilme (February 15, 1952)

The Beginning of the Heimat-Film Boom: Dream Couple Sonja Ziemann and Rudolf Prack (1951)

Verdant Landscapes Replace Gray Rubble: Grün ist die Heide (1951)

Sonja Ziemann, Star of West German Heimatfilm (September 3, 1952)

“At the Border Movie Theaters: With Rubbish for Freedom!” (April 1956)

Actress Romy Schneider (March 1956)

Film Festival in Berlin (1955)

“American Cultural Barbarism Threatens our Youth” (1950)

Pro and contra Jazz: Joachim-Ernst Behrendt and Theodor W. Adorno (1953)

The Hamburg Gasworks Jazz Band Plays at “Captain’s Cabin” in Hamburg (1955)

Poster for a Jazz Concert (1957)

First Public Jazz Event in the GDR (June 11, 1956)

Singer Ella Fitzgerald (April 1953)

Cultural Diplomacy (2016)

Presentation of the Logo for the Project "Weimar – European Capital of Culture, 1999" (March 20, 1997)

A Festive Opening Ceremony with Fireworks over the Goethe-Schiller Memorial: Weimar is the Cultural Capital of Europe in 1999 (February 2, 1999)

Viola da Gamba Concert at the Court of Duke August the Younger of Braunschweig (c. 1650)

Elbe Philharmonic Hall (2016)