Display: 1-21 of 21 Results

Political Testament of Landgrave Georg II of Hesse-Darmstadt (June 4, 1660)

Layout of the Residence and Capital City of Würzburg in the Year 1723 (1723-24)

Viola da Gamba Concert at the Court of Duke August the Younger of Braunschweig (c. 1650)

Bavarian Elector Max IV Joseph, Ordinance on “the Circumstances of State Servants, especially regarding their Status and Salary,” cosigned by Montgelas (January 1, 1805)

Elector Max IV Joseph of Bavaria and the Palatinate, Directive on Reforming the Training of State Officials (June 25, 1799)

Grand Duke Ludwig I of Hesse-Darmstadt, Edict on the “Abolition of the Previous Estates-System” (October 1, 1806)

Construction of the Würzburg Residence of Prince-Bishop Karl von Schönborn (1731)

View of Nymphenburg Palace from the Park Side (c. 1761)

Perspectival View of Karlsruhe and the Residence (1739)

"Constitution of the Kingdom of Bavaria," issued by King Maximilian I, cosigned by Ministers Montgelas, Hompesch, and Morawitzky (May 25, 1808)

"Edict on Communal Affairs," issued by King Maximilian I, cosigned by Ministers Montgelas, Hompesch, and Morawitzky (September 24, 1808)

Karl Friedrich, Grand Duke of Baden (Early 19th Century)

Maximilian I, King of Bavaria (c. 1810)

Prussia Is Proclaimed a Kingdom on January 18, 1701 (1712)

The Siege of Mainz on October 22, 1792 (1793)

Margrave Karl Friedrich von Baden, Proclamation of the Abolition of Serfdom in Baden (July 23, 1783)

“Edict of Potsdam,” issued by Frederick William (“the Great Elector”) (October 29, 1685)

School Reform in Baden: Edict Issued by Margrave Karl Friedrich von Baden (May 13, 1803)

Growth of Brandenburg-Prussia, 1600-1795

Germany and Italy, 1803

Brandenburg in the Seventeeth and Eighteenth Centuries