Display: 76-100 of 141 Results

The Victory of Faith [Der Sieg des Glaubens], Film Poster (1933)

First “Great German Art Exhibition”: “Works that are Setting the Direction of German Art” (July 18, 1937)

Mass Production of Hitler Busts (1937)

The Fundamentals of German Radio Programming (August 1938)

Jew Süß, Film Stills (1940)

“Wunschkonzert” Radio Show Propaganda Publication (December 1940)

Triumph of the Will (1935)

Propaganda Poster: “Führer We Will Follow You! Everyone Votes Yes!” (1934)

League of German Girls Recruitment Poster (1937)

Stew for the Winter Relief Fund at the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church in Berlin (1935)

The Führer and Youth (Adolf Hitler with a Little Girl), Postcard (1933)

The Swastika Rises like the Sun over the Reichstag and the Bismarck Memorial, Postcard (undated)

Our Führer Adolf Hitler is the Sole Shining Example for Every German (The Buttons Glow in the Dark) (undated)

American Culture as “The Kitschified Mass Soul” (1944)

Goebbels’ Call for Retribution (June 5, 1943)

Foreign Propaganda about Life during War in Germany (October 1944)

Postage Stamps Commemorating the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch (1943)

Nazi Propaganda Poster Exploiting Soviet Atrocities in Ukraine (1943)

Propaganda Poster from Occupied Poland: “Beware of Typhus. Avoid Jews” (1941)

Goebbels’s Speech at the Sportpalast in Berlin (February 18, 1943)

“Red Army Soldier! Liberate Yourself!” (after 1941)

Autobahn Construction (1936)

Referendum on the Annexation [Anschluss] of Austria to the German Reich: Advertisement for “Yes” Votes in Hamburg (April 1, 1938)

Plan for the Public Campaign „Women Help Achieve Victory“ (March 19, 1941)

“Victory or Bolshevism” (1943)