Display: 26-50 of 166 Results

Adenauer’s State Visit to Moscow (September 9-13, 1955)

“Signals of a Revolt” (December 5, 1956)

Berlin Declaration by the Three Western Powers and the German Federal Republic on Reunification (July 29, 1957)

Why Should Fidel Castro Concern Us? (June 9, 1960)

Fidel Castro Harms the Cause of Developing Countries (July 7, 1960)

Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (1949/ Amendments 1956)

Letter from the Military Governors to Dr. Konrad Adenauer, President of the Parliamentary Council, approving the Basic Law (May 12, 1949)

Signing of the Basic Law [Grundgesetz] in the Pedagogical Academy in Bonn (May 23, 1949)

Inauguration of Konrad Adenauer as the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (September 15, 1949)

Discussion between German Chancellor Adenauer and American High Commissioner McCloy (July 12, 1950)

Three Telegrams from U.S. High Commissioner John McCloy to Secretary of State Dean Acheson regarding the “Stalin Note” (1952)

Manifesto of the Paulskirche Meeting in Frankfurt (January 29, 1955)

Africans Want a Say (June 18, 1960)

Interview with Chancellor Konrad Adenauer on Compensation and Reparations (November 25, 1949)

Chancellor Konrad Adenauer on the Federal Republic’s Attitude towards the Jews (September 27, 1951)

Communiqué Regarding Restitution for Israel and the Jews (September 10, 1952)

The Position of the Marriage Law Commission of the Protestant Church in Germany on the Draft Version of a Family Law (December 1952)

The Position of the German Association of Women Academics on a Draft Version of the Equal Rights Law (August 1952)

The Chairman of the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Fulda, Cardinal Joseph Frings, on the Reorganization of the Marriage and Family Law (January 30, 1953)

Federal Minister Franz-Josef Wuermeling on the Task of Family Policy (1958)

Law on the Equality of Men and Women in the Area of Civil Law (June 18, 1957)

Marie-Elisabeth Lüders (FDP) on the Petition by the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Fulda (February 1953)

The Art of Maintaining a Household: All Purchases are Carefully Recorded (1950)

A Skeptical Glance at a Female Plumber’s Apprentice (1952)

From a Lecture by Oberstudiendirektor Kurt Hahn at a Sex Education Workshop for Young People at Jugendburg Bilstein/Sauerland (September 14, 1950)