Display: 76-100 of 455 Results

Introduction of the Brandenburg-Prussian Canton System of Military Recruitment [Kantonreglement], issued by Frederick William I (“the Soldier King”), as an Order to General Field Marshal Albrecht Konrad Finck von Finckenstein (May 1, 1733)

Ottoman Sultan Mahmud IV’s Declaration of War on Emperor Leopold I, signed at Adrianople [Edirne] (February 20, 1683)

Frederick II (“the Great”) of Prussia, “General Principles of War” (1748/1753)

Count Kaunitz’s Views on Austrian Foreign Policy (March 24, 1749)

Evaluation of the Armed Forces of the Holy Roman Empire after their Defeat under Austrian Command at the Battle of Roßbach (November 24, 1757)

Frederick II (“the Great”) on the Eve of the Battle of Leuthen (November 28 and December 3, 1757)

Prussian King Frederick II (“the Great”), Correspondence Preceding the First Partition of Poland (1770-71)

Territorial Ordinances for the Principality of Saxe-Altenburg (1705)

Law on the Introduction of Universal Military Service in Prussia (September 3, 1814)

Executioner’s Sword (late 17th century)

Crime and Punishment

Paul Nicolaus Einert, Jewish Gang Leader Discovered (1737)

Emperor Joseph II’s Penal Patent [Strafpatent] governing Manorial Courts in the Countryside (September 1, 1781)

Excerpt from the Penal Code of the Electorate of Bavaria (1751)

Wanted Letter for a Murderer (1725)

Oath of Truce Form for Cases of Banishment (ca. 1780)

A Clergyman and Other Prisoners in Jail (1779)

Introduction of the Excise Tax in the Towns of Brandenburg (April 15, 1667)

Report on Gangs of Robbers in the Rhineland (1804)

The General Law Code for the Prussian States, proclaimed on February 5, 1794, effective June 1, 1794 (1794)

Penal Law Code for the Kingdom of Bavaria (1813)

Rural and Urban Economy and Labor

Philipp Wilhelm von Hörnigk, “Austria Supreme, If It so Wishes” (1684)

Prussian “Soldier King” Frederick William I Instructs his Officials on Peasant Colonization in East Prussia (July 2, 1718)

Edict Protecting the Brandenburg Woolens Industry (March 30, 1687)