Display: 201-225 of 588 Results

Social Antagonism between Protestants and Catholics (1870s–1880s)

“Between Berlin and Rome” (1875)

“Modus vivendi” (1878)

Election Day in the Bavarian Mountains (c. 1870)

Center Party Leader Ludwig Windthorst with Members of the Guelph Party (1889)

Georg Knorr, Collection after the Service (1881)

Otto Edmund Günther/ Albert Bothe, Disputing Theologians (1876)

Jewish Population in Central European Cities (1871–1910)

Emil Lehmann’s Petition to Improve the Legal Rights of Jews in Saxony (November 25, 1869)

Martin Lövinson Recalls Jewish Emancipation and Enthusiasm for the German Wars of Unification (early 1870s)

A Jewish Child’s Memories of his Family’s “Conversion” from Orthodox to Reform Practices (1880s)

A Jewish Rabbi in a Prussian Reading Circle (1880s)

Jewish Synagogue, Oranienburger Strasse (c. 1885)

Proportion of Foreign-Born Jews in Germany (1871–1910)

Legal Emancipation of the Jews (July 3, 1869)

Geographic Distribution of Liberal and Orthodox Jews

Jewish Field Service during the Franco-Prussian War (undated)

Court Chaplain Adolf Stoecker Introduces Antisemitism to the Christian Social Workers’ Party (September 19, 1879)

Richard Wagner, “Jewry in Music” (1850/1869)

Heinrich von Treitschke Pronounces “The Jews are Our Misfortune” (November 15, 1879)

Antisemites’ Petition (1880–81)

Wilhelm Marr, The Victory of Jewry over Germandom (March 1879)

Anonymous, “The Antipathy to Jews” (1879)

Jacob Burckhardt on the Likely Consequences of Antisemitic Agitation (January 2, 1880)

Court Chaplain Adolf Stoecker (1880)