Display: 1-25 of 25 Results

First-Graders at a School in East Berlin (1979)

Civics Lesson in East Berlin (1988)

A Teacher Administers a Beating (1842)

Instruction at the Village School (c. 1840)

The School (1823)

A School for the Higher Education of Daughters (c. 1860)

Turkish School Class (1969)

Children from Eleven Countries (1979)

Carl Conrad Julius Hertel, Young Germany at School (1874)

Fifth Grade Class in the Middle School in Wittenberge (1888)

Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm Teaching School in Bornstedt (1898)

Food being Served to Children at a Hamburg School (1946)

“New Teachers for the New Schools” (1945)

Russian Language Class (1958)

Elementary School Teacher with her Students in Hamburg-Wellingsbüttel (1950)

Lessons in Racial Politics at a Hitler Youth Leadership School (c. 1935)

Young Women and Girls from a Countryside Boarding School [Landjahrheim] in Finkenkrug, Brandenburg (1934)

German-Turkish Elementary School Class (November 5, 1998)

Teacher Demonstration in Erfurt (July 9, 1991)

Media Crowding in Front of the Rütli School in Berlin (March 31, 2006)

Frankfurt High School Students Strike against Education Reform (September 12, 2006)

German Students Perform Poorly in the First PISA Study (June 28, 2002)

Federal Minister for Education and Research Edelgard Bulmahn Visits an All-Day School (December 15, 2003)

Presenting the Results of the 2006 PISA Study (December 4, 2007)

The Lesson (c. 1770)