Display: 401-425 of 1,786 Results

Peter Fechter at the Berlin Wall (August 17, 1962)

U.S. President John F. Kennedy Visits West Berlin (June 26, 1963)

May Day Parade in East Berlin (May 1, 1963)

Replacement of the Stone Wall with Concrete (July 1963)

Border at Hirschberg an der Saale (1964)

Visitor from West Berlin (1966)

Patrolling the Inner-German Border (1971)

Package from the West [Westpaket] (Re-creation, 2014)

Border in Thuringia (1971)

Border Crossing (1965)

Marie Louise P. from Zittau to Oskar H. [actually to his wife Anneliese] in Meckenheim (March 22, 1970)

Overcoming the Wall by Painting It (October 23, 1986)

June 17th Holiday (1980)

“Wall Paradise” on the West Berlin Side (1983)

The Berlin Wall at Heidelberger Strasse in the District of Neukölln (1981)

Willi Stoph and Erich Honecker (May 1, 1984)

Sketch of an East German Border Fortification (1984)

Chancellor Konrad Adenauer on a Flight to the U.S. for a State Visit (1960)

My God, Help Me to Survive This Deadly Love or Fraternal Kiss (1990)

Munich Demonstration for Freedom of the Press in Response to the Spiegel Affair (c. October/November 1962)

Charles de Gaulle Greets Konrad Adenauer (September 27, 1963)

Konrad Adenauer and Charles de Gaulle in the Cathedral of Reims (July 8, 1962)

Adenauer’s Resignation (October 16, 1963)

The German-French Friendship Treaty, signed in Paris on January 22, 1963, by Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and French President Charles de Gaulle.

Ludwig Erhard with Cigar, Official Portrait (1963)