Display: 1576-1600 of 1,786 Results

Model Nadja Auermann and Fashion Designer Karl Lagerfeld (December 13, 1997)

The “New Leipzig School”: Painter Neo Rauch (December 8, 2000)

Commercialization of the Love Parade (July 10, 1999)

Christopher Street Day in Berlin (June 26, 1999)

The Love Parade in Berlin (July 10, 1999)

Writer Wladimir Kaminer at the “Russian Disco” (May 10, 2003)

Run, Lola, Run! (1998)

“Rock am Ring” Festival (June 11, 2000)

Jewish Museum in Berlin (August 17, 2004)

An Oscar for The Lives of Others (2006)

Success with German Lyrics: “Wir sind Helden” (February 28, 2005)

Headline: “We are Pope!” [“Wir sind Papst”] (April 2005)

The Munich Gourment Shop Alois Dallmayr (2006)

Herta Müller, Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (October 8, 2009)


Elbe Philharmonic Hall (2016)

The “New Right” in the GDR (March 12, 1990)

Education for Diversity (2021)

Attacks on Homes for Asylum Seekers in March im Breisgau (September 24, 1991)

Violence against Foreigners in Rostock-Lichtenhagen (August 24, 1992)

Vietnamese Guest Laborers Leaving the GDR (May 31, 1990)

Asylum in Eisenhüttenstadt: Living Container (May 14, 1992)

Election Campaign Poster for “The Republicans” [“Die Republikaner”] (1990)

Demonstration against Xenophobia in Rostock-Lichtenhagen (August 29, 1992)

Asylum Legislation becomes a Campaign Topic (July 2, 1998)