Display: 26-50 of 50 Results

Concentration and Extermination Camps and Major “Euthanasia” Centers

Germany: Territorial Expansion (1935-1939)

Europe at the Beginning of December 1941

Administrative Structure under National Socialism (1941)

Book Burnings Across Germany (1933)

Forced Laborers by National Origin (1944)

Europe in April 1944

Jewish Victims of the Holocaust by Country, Sept. 1, 1939–⁠May 7, 1945

Estimated Fatalities During the Second World War by Country (1939-1945)

The New Federal Republic in Europe (1990)

NATO’s Eastward Expansion (2023)

States of the Federal Republic (December 31, 1990)

Administrative Divisions of the Habsburg Empire (1780)

The Partitions of Poland, 1772-1795

Expansion of Prussia, 1807-1871

Growth of Brandenburg-Prussia, 1600-1795

Germany and Italy, 1803

Europe in 1648: The Peace of Westphalia

The Stavenow Lordship and Surroundings, 1770

Brandenburg in the Seventeeth and Eighteenth Centuries

Habsburg Lands, c. 1700

The Growth of the Habsburg Empire 1282-1918

East-Elbian Germany in the Eighteenth Century

Defortification of German Cities, 1689-1866

Foundation of Universities in Central Europe