Display: 1-13 of 13 Results

Neues Deutschland Report on a Discussion about Realism and Formalism in the School of Applied Arts in Magdeburg (April 24, 1951)

Alfred Kurella on "The Influence of Decadence" (July 1957)

“Dangerous Kitsch”: East German Criticism of Heimatfilme (February 15, 1952)

“Postcard Kitsch”: Review of Grün ist die Heide (November 19, 1951)

“Pretty colors. Lots of Hermann Löns.” Review of Grün ist die Heide (November 21, 1951)

Furniture Design of the 1950s: Kidney-Shaped Table (1954)

What Tenants Want: Modern Apartments and Well-Designed Furniture (1956)

Furniture Design of the 1950s: Corner Seating Arrangment with a Gas-Heating Unit (1957)

Illustrations of Home Furnishings (1955-1960)

August Wilhelm Schlegel, Excerpt from Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature (1808)

The Opening of Hamburg’s Elbphilharmonie (January 11, 2017)

Model Claudia Schiffer Becomes an International Beauty Icon (2004)

Friedrich Schiller, Excerpts from On the Aesthetic Education of Man (1795)