Display: 1-9 of 9 Results

The Political Testament of Frederick William I (“the Soldier King”) (February 17, 1722)

Frederick William I (“the Soldier King”) Demands Unvarnished Information from the Pomeranian Commissariat (July 20, 1722)

King Frederick William I’s Handwritten Instructions to the East Prussian Land-Tax Commission [Generalhufenschoß-Kommission] (April 23, 1716)

Frederick William I (“the Soldier King”), Instructions on the Formation and Functioning of the General Directory (December 20, 1722)

Introduction of the Brandenburg-Prussian Canton System of Military Recruitment [Kantonreglement], issued by Frederick William I (“the Soldier King”), as an Order to General Field Marshal Albrecht Konrad Finck von Finckenstein (May 1, 1733)

Prussian “Soldier King” Frederick William I Instructs his Officials on Peasant Colonization in East Prussia (July 2, 1718)

Prussian Edict: All Unauthorized Jews Should be Driven from the Land Immediately (January 10, 1724)

Allegorical Depiction of King Frederick William I as the Patron of the Salzburg Protestants in the Year 1732 (1734)

The Salzburg Protestants are Driven out of Austria and Settle in Prussia in the Year 1732 (1734)