Display: 1-15 of 15 Results

Heiner Geißler and the “New Social Question” (1969)

The “New Poverty” in the Federal Republic (1976)

Friedrich Bülau’s Call for a Market-Oriented Solution to the Problem of Poverty in Germany during the First Half of the Nineteenth Century (1834)

A Catholic View of the Economy, Excerpt from Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler’s “The Worker Question and Christianity” (1864)

Victor Böhmert’s Critique of the Traditional and Restrictive Nature of Guilds (1858)

Ernst Dronke, Excerpts from Berlin (1846)

Berlin People’s Kitchen (1860s)

Instruction at the Village School (c. 1840)

The Economic State of Families, Examples from Berlin (1946/47)

The Tägliche Rundschau on the Equalization of Burdens (February 15, 1947)

“Moneyless Department Store” in Halle (April 27, 1999)

Child Poverty in Germany (January 3, 2018)

Food is Given out to Needy Children (November 21, 2006)

Poverty and Wealth (April 21, 2005)

Berlin: Poor but Sexy (2006)