Display: 1-15 of 15 Results

The Population of Burgsteinfurt is Escorted to a Film about the Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald Concentration Camps (May 30, 1945)

After the “Storming of Berlin”: Bombed-out People on the Street (May 1, 1945)

Isaac Deutscher, “East of the Elbe” (October 27, 1945)

Coveted Possession: A Woman Defends her Bicycle (1945)

Opening a CARE Package (1948)

The Present Status of Denazification (December 31, 1950)

Eugen Kogon, “The Right to Be Wrong in Politics” (July 1947)

Report on the Berlin Airlift (July 30, 1948)

Alfred Döblin on the German Population (1946)

Berlin Blockade: To Save Energy, Meals were Cooked in a “Cooking Chest” (1948)

Female Survival in Berlin in April 1945 (Retrospective Account, 1950s)

Civilians Forced to Confront the Realities of Genocide at Buchenwald (April 1945)

Personal Reflections on Surviving Allied Bombings

Mathilde Wolff-Mönckeberg’s Letter Describing the Aftermath of the Hamburg Firestorm (August 24, 1943)

Bundeswehr in Afghanistan (2001-2021)