Display: 1-21 of 21 Results

The “Michaelshoven” Occupational Promotion Center in Rodenkirchen near Cologne (1976)

A Group of Elderly People at a Bus Stop in East Berlin (1985)

House Husband (1981)

Proportion of Non-Agricultural Workers in Germany’s Federal States and Prussian Provinces (1882)

Assessment of the 12th Plenum of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany on Getting Women to Take up Gainful Employment (1961)

On the Occupational Situation of Women after 1945 (1949)

Gainfully Employed Persons and Labor Force Participation Rate (1949–1970)

OMGUS Survey of the Chief Cares and Worries since the Currency Reform (February–August 1948)

Renate Mayntz on What Motivates Women to Pursue a Career (1955)

Press Statement by Maria Weber, Main Department “Women in the DGB,” on the Working Woman and the Social Situation of the Family (August 30, 1960)

Structural Change in the Workforce (1950–1970)

Environmental Minister Jürgen Trittin Supports Ecological Modernization (October 21, 1999)

Employment Office in Berlin-Marzahn (June 6, 1996)

Population Decline and the Future of Germany (December 7, 2005)

Retirement Age and Employment (2005)

The New Precariat (April 27, 2006)

Conflicting Opinions on the Success of the “Junior Professorship” (July 13, 2006)

The Dual Education System (2017)

Are Women the Losers of Unification? (October 1999)

A Turning Point in the Job Market (April 12, 2005)

Living Conditions in the New Federal States (January 1997)