Display: 1-20 of 20 Results

The Weavers’ Misery (c. 1850)

A Catholic View of the Economy, Excerpt from Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler’s “The Worker Question and Christianity” (1864)

Socialist View of the Results of the Free Market Economy: Excerpt from Ferdinand Lassalle’s “Open Letter” (1863)

Ernst Dronke, Excerpts from Berlin (1846)

Processing Mercury and Silver (c. 1845)

Excerpts from a Clinical Report and Autopsy by Professor Traube on a Patient with Lung Disease Caused by Coal Dust (1860)

Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler (c. 1865)

Foreign Workers, Guest Workers, Colleagues? (April 1966)

Private Accommodations at the Ford Factory in Cologne (1971)

Adolph Menzel, Worker Eating, Multiple Views (c. 1872)

OMGUS Survey of German Attitudes toward Economic and Political Strikes (February 1949)

Works Constitution Act (October 11, 1952)

The Hattenheim Talks (January 1950)

From the Resolution of the 13th Meeting of the Central Committee of the SED (May 14, 1953)

From a Tribüne Article on Work Quota Increases (June 16, 1953)

From a Statement by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED (June 16, 1953)

From a Resolution Passed by the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party: The “New Course” and the Party’s Objectives (July 26, 1953)

Statement by the Government of the GDR (June 17, 1953)

Bavarian Elector Max IV Joseph, Ordinance on “the Circumstances of State Servants, especially regarding their Status and Salary,” cosigned by Montgelas (January 1, 1805)

German Trade Unions Oppose the Dismantling of the Welfare State (March 5, 1997)