Display: 1-17 of 17 Results

Jan Sobieski, King of Poland (1685)

Political Testament of Landgrave Georg II of Hesse-Darmstadt (June 4, 1660)

Declaration of His Majesty the Emperor Francis II, whereby he abdicates the German imperial throne and the imperial government.

William III of Orange (1701)

Maria Theresa’s Political Testament (1749-50)

Karl Friedrich, Grand Duke of Baden (Early 19th Century)

Maximilian I, King of Bavaria (c. 1810)

Maria Theresa and Her Family on the Terrace of Schönbrunn Palace (c. 1755)

Prussia Is Proclaimed a Kingdom on January 18, 1701 (1712)

The Apotheosis of Frederick William (“the Great Elector”) (1682)

Frederick William I, Prussia’s “Soldier King” (1729)

August II (“the Strong”) of Poland is Received at the Palace in Berlin (1728)

Frederick II (“the Great”) (1781)

The Guards Parade before Frederick II (1777)

The End of the Napoleonic Drama (1814)

Frederick II of Prussia, Sonata in C minor for Flute and Harpsichord (1747)

Jérôme [Hieronymus] Napoleon, King of Westphalia, “Decree Abolishing Fees Imposed on the Jews” (January 27, 1808)