Display: 1-15 of 15 Results

Wilhelm von Humboldt in His Study at Tegel Castle (c. 1830)

Alexander von Humboldt, Excerpts from Cosmos (1845-58)

Hermann von Helmholtz, Excerpts from a Speech Given on the Occasion of his Appointment as Pro-Rector at the University of Heidelberg (1862)

Alexander von Humboldt in his Library (1856)

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Excerpts from Faust (1808)

Heinrich Ludwig Fischer, The Book of Superstition, Abuse, and False Delusions (1790)

The Care and Storage of Agricultural Tools (1750)

Manufacturing Silk (1750)

The German Historical Museum Aims for an Open View of the Past (June 2, 2006)

From Alpine Goatherd to Teacher of Greek – Thomas Platter (1573)

Cookbook by Anna Wecker (1598)

Cookbook by Anna Wecker (1598)

A Swabian Cobbler-Farmer Survives the Thirty Years War – Hans Heberle (1672)

Georg Bauer, De re metallica (1556)

Historian Ulinka Rublack on the Life and Work of Johannes Kepler (2021)