Display: 1-19 of 19 Results

Instruction of Future Russian Teachers in the GDR (1970)

Friedrich Diesterweg, “An Educator’s Little Book of Crabs” (1856)

Comment by a Female Teacher after a Lecture by Kurt Hager on the Situation in Schools (October 1960)

Guidelines for School Policy for the German Democratic School (August 24, 1949)

“New Teachers for the New Schools” (1945)

Rebuilding the German Education System (1946)

Elementary School Teacher with her Students in Hamburg-Wellingsbüttel (1950)

Der Stürmer as Teaching Material in Class (c. 1935)

Guidelines for Teaching History (1938)

High Princely Church Order for Württemberg (1743)

Frederick the Great, Compulsory Education Decree (1763)

Westphalian Nobleman Clemens August Droste zu Vischering Provides Instructions on the Duties of his Children’s Tutor (1776)

Teacher Demonstration in Erfurt (July 9, 1991)

Teachers at a “Problem School” Issue a Cry for Help (March 30, 2006)

Media Crowding in Front of the Rütli School in Berlin (March 31, 2006)

Members of the Teachers’ Union Protest to Keep Collective Wage Agreements in Place (March 23, 2006)

“House of Little Researchers” (March 19, 2008)

Integration Courses (2022)

A School in the Schoolmaster’s Apartment (16th Century)