Display: 1-25 of 58 Results

Emigration Causes Uneasiness in the Party (March 14, 1984)

A Neutral’s Description of the Building of the Wall (August 14, 1961)

The Day of Denial (1961)

Refugees are Transported to West Germany from Berlin’s Tempelhof Airport (1953)

Carrying One’s Possessions in a Backpack (1945)

“What You Won’t Read in Baedeker. A Short Travel Guide through the Eastern Zone” (1947)

OMGUS Survey on Attitudes toward Expellees (September 13, 1946)

OMGUS Survey of German Reactions to Expellees and DPs (December 3, 1947)

Refugees in Transit in Ulm (September 1945)

Ulrich Scheuner, Remarks on the Legal Status of “Displaced Persons” in Germany (December 14–15, 1948)

Residents of the Kabel Neighborhood of Hagen to the State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia: Request for the Vacation of Residences Confiscated for Displaced Persons (January 2, 1947)

Marion Gräfin Dönhoff, “People on the Train” (September 18, 1947)

Newspaper Commentary, “Where Clay is Wrong” (October 5, 1948)

Jewish Displaced Persons Leave Munich on Trains Bound for France (1948)

The Harrison Report (September 1945)

“Displaced Persons” (DPs) Take Part in a Flag Ceremony (1945)

The First Refugees Arrive at the Zeilsheim Camp (1945)

The City Director of Haltern on the Housing of Displaced Persons (December 16, 1946)

Camp for “Displaced Persons” from the Soviet Union (1945-46)

Everyday life in a Berlin Camp for ethnic Germans (1945)

“That Was When I Knew: I Had to Become a Refugee” (March 19, 1953)

Willy Brandt on the Refugees from the GDR Arriving in West Berlin (September 4, 1958)

Refugees from the Soviet Occupation Zone/GDR in the Federal States of West Germany (1950 and 1961)

Occupational Breakdown of Refugee Movement in Percentages (1952–1961)

The Age Distribution of Refugees from the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR (1949–1962)