Display: 76-100 of 111 Results

Resettlement Action: Budapest Rations Station for Ethnic Germans from Bukovina (1940)

Crew Members of Submarine U 50 (March 2, 1940)

German-Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty – The New Borders after the Division of Poland (September 28, 1939)

Signing of the Franco-German Armistice at Compiègne (June 22, 1940)

German Radio Operator using the “Enigma” Device (March 1941)

Erwin Rommel on his Defeat in Africa (1942)

Ursula von Kardorff, Diary Entries about Attitudes on the Home Front (October-November, 1942)

German 5 cm Pak 38 Anti-Tank Gun in Open Artillery Position on a Street Crossing in Stalingrad (October 8, 1942)

American Wartime Propaganda Film “Why We Fight” (1942)

Eastern Front: German Tank Stuck in the Snow (December 1941)

Soviet POWs behind Barbed Wire (1942)

Air Marshal Arthur Harris (1942/43)

Final Days of Fighting in Berlin (1945)

Female Anti-Aircraft Helper (February 1945)

Life in the Warsaw Ghetto (c. 1942)

Europe in April 1944

Estimated Fatalities During the Second World War by Country (1939-1945)

Hitler’s Decree Outlining Competencies in “External Propaganda” (September 8, 1939)

Goebbels’s New Propaganda Guidelines (June 22, 1941)

Wartime Regulation of Language (1942)

Excerpts from Hitler’s Speech before the first “Greater German Reichstag” (January 30, 1939)

Personal Reflections on Surviving Allied Bombings

Occupation Terror in the Soviet Union: Partisans are Hanged to Deter Others (c. 1943)

Report on British Air Raids on German Cities (October 16, 1943)

Hamburg after the Operation Gomorrah Bombings (July 1943)