Display: 1-25 of 26 Results

Excerpts from H. E. G. Paulus’s Pamphlet on the Emancipation of the Jews in Baden (1831)

David Friedrich Strauss, Conclusion, The Life of Jesus (1836)

Excerpts from Two Sermons by Friedrich August Tholuck, “What is Human Reason Worth?” (c. 1840) and “When is Greater Civic Freedom Fortunate for a People?” (1848)

Daniel Schenkel, Excerpts from The German Protestant Association (1868)

August Tholuck (undated)

Otto Edmund Günther/ Albert Bothe, Disputing Theologians (1876)

Preaching to Laymen in their Own Language—Johannes Geiler von Keysersberg, Sermon on the Ants (March 20, 1508)

Preaching a Practical Spirituality—A Sermon by Johannes Tauler (14th century, published in 1515–16)

Following Christ’s Example in the World—Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ (c. 1418)

Teaching a Mystical Theology—The German Theology [Theologia Deutsch] (14th Century, published in 1516 and 1518)

Preaching Future Security—Johann Tetzel, Sermon on Indulgences (c. 1517)

Martin Luther, Ninety-Five Theses (October 31, 1517)

Iconoclasm—Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt Argues against Images (1522)

Definition and Demarcation—Conrad Grebel and Others to Thomas Müntzer (September 5, 1524)

An Anabaptist Confession of Faith—The Schleitheim Articles (1527)

Martin Luther as Professor of Theology (1523)

Protestants vs. Radicals—A Lutheran Defends the Rights of Rulers in Religious Matters (1530)

Radicals vs. Protestants—An Attack on Secular Claims to Religious Authority (1530)

The Marburg Colloquy—The Marburg Articles (1529)

The Marburg Colloquy of 1529 (1867)

Protestants and Radicals—Martin Bucer’s Debate with Hessian Anabaptists (1538)

Martin Luther’s “Tower Experience” (1545)

Martin Luther Preaching (1547)

Lucas Cranach the Younger, Christ on the Cross (c. 1555)

Desiderius Erasmus (1523)