Display: 26-38 of 38 Results

Mass Rally on Alexanderplatz in East Berlin (November 4, 1989)

The New Forum (November 10-11, 1989)

Opening of the Berlin Wall: Cheering Berliners on the Wall at Brandenburg Gate (November 9, 1989)

Flowers for GDR Border Guards (November 10, 1989)

The Headquarters of the Office for National Security (formerly of the Ministry for State Security) in the East Berlin Neighborhood of Lichtenberg (December 15, 1989)

First Meeting of the Central Round Table (December 7, 1989)

For and against Unification – Demonstration on Augustusplatz in Leipzig (December 11, 1989)

Demolition of the Wall at Brandenburg Gate (December 21, 1989)

Storming of the Stasi Headquarters (January 15, 1990)

View of the Stormed Headquarters of the Office for National Security (formerly of the Ministry for State Security) in the East Berlin Neighborhood of Lichtenberg (January 15, 1990)

Video Message from U.S. President Barack Obama during the “Celebration of Freedom” (November 9, 2009)

“Monday Demonstration”: Demand for Unification (December 11, 1989)

The Last “Monday Demonstration” in Leipzig (March 12, 1990)