Display: 26-50 of 53 Results

OMGUS Summary of Trends in German Public Opinion (December 17, 1947)

OMGUS Survey of German Opinions on the Organization of Europe (August 1947)

OMGUS Survey on Attitudes toward the Food Situation (1946–47)

OMGUS Survey on German Opinion toward the Prospective Peace Treaty (June 1947)

OMGUS Survey of Trends in Attitudes toward National Socialism (1945–47)

OMGUS Survey on German Attitudes toward Corporal Punishment (no date)

OMGUS Survey of German Opinions on the Socialization of Industry (November 1947)

OMGUS Survey of German Reactions to Expellees and DPs (December 3, 1947)

OMGUS Survey of Trends in German Public Opinion (1945–49)

OMGUS Survey: The Public Compares Present and Past Economic Conditions (July 1949)

OMGUS Survey of Prejudice and Antisemitism (April 1948)

OMGUS Survey of the Chief Cares and Worries since the Currency Reform (February–August 1948)

OMGUS Survey: How do the Germans View the Lastenausgleich? (November 1948)

OMGUS Survey of Expectations for the Marshall Plan (March 1948)

OMGUS Survey of German Attitudes toward Economic and Political Strikes (February 1949)

Warning against Fraternization (1945)

General Lucius D. Clay in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (1947)

Sweets from American Soldiers (1945)

German Lessons for the American Military Police (1947)

“Black Becomes White, or Automatic Denazification” (1946)

The Present Status of Denazification (December 31, 1950)

Denazification in the American Occupation Zone (1948)

Black Market in the American Occupation Zone (1948)

The foundations of the education policy of the American military government (February 19, 1947)

Elvis Presley Arrives in Bremerhaven as a GI (October 1, 1958)