Display: 1-15 of 15 Results

Diary Entries on the Nazi Terror in France (1941)

Polish Jews Assemble in the Center of Nuremberg for Evacuation to the Polish Border (October 28, 1938)

Deportation to Theresienstadt: Air Mail Communication Sent through the Foreign Service of the German Red Cross (September 15, 1942)

Chaim Rumkowski and the Deportation of Children from the Lodz Ghetto (1942)

Children from the Lodz Ghetto are Transported to the Chelmno Death Camp (September 1942)

Jews Deported from Würzburg (April 25, 1942)

Women Protest against the Deportation of their Jewish Husbands (March 1943)

Deportation of about 17,000 Polish Jews to the German-Polish Border (December 1, 1938)

Herschel Grynszpan, Apprehended Shortly after Assassinating Ernst von Rath, the Legation Secretary of the German Embassy in Paris (November 7, 1938)

Deportation of Stuttgart Jews to Riga, Latvia – Waiting in a Detention Camp on Killesberg Hill, Stuttgart (November 1941)

Hungarian Jews Arrive at Auschwitz II-Birkenau (May/June 1944)

Hungarian Jews Wait in a Clearing before being led to the Gas Chambers at Auschwitz II-Birkenau (May/June, 1944)

Asylum Legislation becomes a Campaign Topic (July 2, 1998)

Deportation of Rejected Asylum Seekers (July 16, 1993)

A Summary of the Immigration Act of July 30, 2004 (Press Report, 2004)