Display: 1-13 of 13 Results

Principles of the “Social Market Economy” (December 19, 1962)

Economics Minister Karl Schiller on “Concerted Action” (January 9, 1967)

“Model Germany” (1976)

Chancellor Helmut Kohl Celebrates the Success of the Social Market Economy (October 25, 1989)

A New Chapter in Economic Policy (March 21, 1962)

The CDU and the “Social Market Economy”: Düsseldorf Guidelines for Economic Policy, Agricultural Policy, Social Policy, and Housing (July 15, 1949)

Ludwig Erhard, Prosperity for All (1957)

Ludwig Erhard with his book Prosperity for All (January 28, 1957)

Ludwig Erhard on the Social Market Economy (August 22, 1948)

Hans Katzer on the Acquisition of Property among Workers: “The Promise Must be Kept…” (1959)

Otto A. Friedrich, “The Social Imperative” (1958)

Federal Minister Erhard on Market Economy and Planned Economy (June 26, 1950)

SPD Chairman Oskar Lafontaine Criticizes Globalization (June 25, 1997)